During June 23 to 28, 2019, the “8th International Symposium of Interactions of Soil Minerals with Organic Components and Microorganisms (ISMOM2019) organized by Heike Knicker and Francisco Gonzalez Vila of the IRNAS, will take place in Seville. This symposium is part of a series of international symposia organized by the Commission 2.5 (Soil chemical, physical and biological interfacial reactions) of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) and aims to provide a platform for fruitful discussions between scientists and students from soil sciences, chemistry, biology, biochemistry, physics, ecology or environmental sciences.

The ISMOM2019, “Understanding Soil Interfacial Reactions for Sustainable Soil Management and Climatic Change Mitigation” follows successful 4-yearly meetings in Canada, France, Italy, China and Chile.

The scientific program will be divided into the following sessions:

  • Soil as a C and N sink – Who is the major player, soil minerals, soil organic matter quality, microbial activity or their interplay?
  • New physical, chemical and biological analytical approaches – How can they lead us to a better understanding of soil interfaces?
  • Ecological disturbances – How do mismanagement of soils (overgrazing, erosion etc.) or natural disasters (fire, flooding etc.) affect the interplay between soil minerals, SOM and microorganisms?
  • Dynamics of pollutants at soil interfaces – What is new and how can environmental biotechnology be beneficial for soil restoration and bioremediation?
  • Soil amendments (biochar, composts and digestates) – How do they affect interactions at soil interfaces?
  • Nutrient availability in soils – Can our knowledge on soil interfaces improve biotechnological approaches or soil management to decrease the need for artificial fertilizers?

In addition to scientific presentations, a day dedicated to field trips is planned. The interested congress participants can select between a visit of the “Green Corridor”, “Soils of the Donaña National Park” and “Forest fires sites in the Sierra de Aználcollar; 10 Years after a Severe Fire”.

Further information can be obtained at www.ISMOM2019.org

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