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Prof. Heike Knicker (IRNAS-CSIC) with the Philippe Duchaufour Medal 2016

This past April 19th during an emotive ceremony organized during the European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2016) in Vienna (Austria), the Philippe Duchaufour Medal 2016 was imposed to Prof. Heike Knicker from the Institute for Natural Resources and Agrobiology of Sevilla (IRNAS-CSIC).

Philippe Duchaufour Medal was established in 2005 for scientists that made distinguished contributions to Soil Science, defined in its widest sense. For this edition Prof. Knicker is awarded for outstanding research in the field of soil organic matter, in particular on the impact of fire on humic materials, and for furthering the knowledge of the structure and properties of pyrogenic soil organic carbon and nitrogen.

Prof. Knicker offered an outstanding lecture entitled “NMR doesn`t lie! Or: how solid-state NMR spectroscopy contributed to a better understanding of the nature and function of soil organic matter”. Biographical notes for the awardee were offered by his teacher, colleague and deep friend Prof. Hans-Dietrich Lüdemann (Regensburgh University, Germany) that truly highlighted as much her scientific merits as her social and artistic flair.

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Prof. Heike Knicker (IRNAS-CSIC)


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Prof. Hans-Dietrich Lüdemann (Regensburgh University, Germany)


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Prof. Heike Knicker (IRNAS-CSIC) receiving the Philippe Duchaufour Medal 2016 from Prof. Saskia Keestra (President Soil System Sciences Divission of EGU)


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Profs. Francisco J. González-Vila (IRNAS-CSIC), Heike Knicker (IRNAS-CSIC) and Hans-Dietrich Lüdemann (Regensburgh University, Germany)



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