Last August 13th it was published, in vol. 71 of the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, by the Microbiology Society, the paper intitled Paracoccus onubensis sp. nov., a novel alphaproteobacterium isolated from the wall of a show cave, written by Sara Gutierrez-Patricio, Jose L. Gonzalez-Pimentel, Ana Zelia Miller, Bernardo Hermosin, Cesareo Saiz-Jimenez y Valme Jurado. In it, the novel species denominated Paracoccus onubensis, which was isolated from a white biofilm of the Gruta de las Maravillas cave, is described. The sequence of the genoma of this species has been deposited in GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ ans is available with the accesion no. QZCG00000000. The publication of the paper was in open access mode, which ensures the full accesion of the scientific community to the research results and ensures a wide dissemination of this scientific discovery.

The study of this bacteria has been performed under the coverage of the Project 0483_PROBIOMA_5_E, co-funded by the European Fund for Regional Development in the framework of the program Interreg V A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020, which has as one of its goals the search for bioactive substances produced by microorganisms isolated from subterranean environments.[:]

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