Next October 7th, 2017,  the Scientific Workshop “Antequera Dolmens: current scientific research” will be held at Antequera Museum, with the goal of showing the preliminary results of the R+D MINECO funded project “Nature, Society and Monumentality: High Resolution Archaeological Research of the Megalithic Landscape of Antequera”, performed from 2017 to 2017.

In this Scientific Workshop, the member of IRNAS research group “Environmental Microbiology and Cultural Heritage” Miguel Ángel Rogerio Candelera, resposible for coordinating the research preformed at Matacabras Rock Art Shelter, will present the results of the multidisciplinary research conducted by a wide research team. This research will be the basis of an international scientific publication, currently in preparation.

The programme of the Workshop (in Spanish) can be downloaded here

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