cronicas dolmenes recorte

Last March 31st, 2016 La 2 television channel broadcasted the documentary “The dolmens look”, in which Miguel Ángel Rogerio Candelera, member of the IRNAS research group “Environmental Microbiology and Cultural Heritage” was interviewed among other researchers. The documentary shows the different values supporting the candidature to UNESCO’s world heritage list of the archaeological ensemble of the Dolmens of Antequera: the exceptional dolmens of Menga, Viera and El Romeral and their relationship –as denoted by their orientations- with the mountain of the Peña de los Enamorados (and the rock art harboured in the so-called Matacabras shelter), and with the karstic countryside of El Torcal (in the ancestral territory of the Neolithic communities of the region, centred in the El Toro cave). The complete documentary (45’) can be watched here.

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