Jose Julio Ortega-Calvo, researcher at IRNAS-CSIC, has been recently elected as SETAC Europe representative in the academia stakeholder category for the Stakeholder Bureau of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA- see video) for the next three years. Seven stakeholder groups are represented in this Bureau – consumer organizations, distributors, farmers and primary producers, NGOs and advocacy groups, academia, business and food industry and practitioners’ associations.

The representative role for J.J. Ortega consists of capturing the views of the stakeholders included in this category, which includes different scientific organizations, in addition to SETAC Europe, covering a wide variety of interests, such as nutrition, animal welfare, research and innovation and social and environmental responsibility.

An extended article on these news has been published in SETAC Globe, a publication reaching more than 10,000 environmental professionals over the World:

And a video from EFSA:

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