
Sistemas Forestales Mediterráneos



El grupo SIFOMed tiene como objetivo el estudio de la dinámica y funcionamiento de los ecosistemas forestales mediterráneos, prestando especial atención a su respuesta frente al cambio global. Desarrollamos investigación básica en las áreas de ecología vegetal y de ecosistemas, con una fuerte componente aplicada a la restauración y conservación de sistemas perturbados. En general, nuestros estudios conectan el componente aéreo y edáfico del ecosistema, analizando las interacciones directas o indirectas entre plantas, microorganismos y animales.


  1. Estudio de los problemas de regeneración y decaimiento de especies leñosas mediterráneas, identificando los principales factores abióticos y bióticos causales bajo distintos escenarios de cambio global. Estamos especialmente interesados en tratar de predecir cómo afectarán los distintos factores de cambio (cambio climático, especies exóticas) a las interacciones bióticas (planta-planta, planta-animal y planta-microorganismo), así como a la viabilidad y persistencia de poblaciones de especies arbóreas mediterráneas de gran importancia ecológica (y económica), como el alcornoque (Quercus suber) o el acebuche (Olea europaea).
  2. Explorar el papel de las interacciones mutualistas o antagonistas de las plantas con los organismos del suelo como determinantes de la dinámica forestal. Dentro de las interacciones mutualistas, nuestra investigación se centra en el papel funcional de la simbiosis con ecto- y endo-micorrizas. Dentro de las interacciones antagonistas, se estudia principalmente el papel de patógenos radicales exóticos (géneros Phytophthoray Pythium) como condicionantes de la supervivencia y crecimiento de especies leñosas mediterráneas, particularmente de los géneros Quercus y Olea.
  3. Cuantificar la diversidad, estructura y función de los microorganismos del suelo en sistemas forestales y agroforestales mediterráneos sometidos a distintas perturbaciones. Para ello, el grupo de investigación utiliza una aproximación multidisciplinar que incluye técnicas de identificación morfológica en cultivo, análisis molecular (T-RFLP, Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism), métodos bioquímicos (PLFAs, Phospholipid Fatty Acid analysis; determinación de actividades enzimáticas), y métodos fisiológicos (placas MicroResp).
  4. Estudio de los ciclos biogeoquímicos de C, N, P y S en sistemas forestales mediterráneos. En particular, se analiza el papel que las distintas especies leñosas juegan como determinantes de dichos ciclos, y las posibles implicaciones para el funcionamiento del ecosistema de cambios en la composición y/o abundancia de las especies como consecuencia del cambio global. Como herramientas de estudio usamos  el análisis elemental y la determinación de la abundancia (natural o inducida) de isótopos estables de los diferentes macroelementos en los distintos compartimentos del sistema suelo-planta.
  5. Implicaciones ecológicas de las características morfológicas, físico-químicas e hidrológicas del sustrato. Pretendemos elucidar las relaciones entre las propiedades intrínsecas o adquiridas del sustrato y el funcionamiento y evolución de los ecosistemas, particularmente en lo que se refiere a la cubierta vegetal y al régimen hídrico de los mismos.
  6. Transferencia y divulgación de conocimientos para la conservación, uso sostenible y restauración de ecosistemas y agroecosistemas mediterráneos. Para ello realizamos un uso intensivo de técnicas avanzadas de modelización espacialmente explícita y de simulación de los efectos de distintos escenarios climáticos y de manejo en las especies arbóreas de interés, tanto a escala local como regional. El grupo hace un particular esfuerzo en difundir y divulgar los resultados de la investigación desarrollada y, en particular, sus  implicaciones ecológicas y sociales, con objeto de incrementar la visibilidad y el impacto social de la misma. Asimismo, consideramos esencial la formación de investigadores y técnicos


Lorena Gómez Aparicio

Lorena Gómez Aparicio

Investigadora científica

(Responsable del grupo)

Luís Ventura García

Luís Ventura García

Científico Titular

Patricia Silgeström Ribed

Patricia Silgeström Ribed

Científica Titular

Ignacio Pérez-Ramos

Ignacio Pérez-Ramos

Científico Titular

Raquel Martins Noguerol

Raquel Martins Noguerol

Contratada postdoctoral

Blanca Gallego Tévar

Blanca Gallego Tévar

Contratada postdoctoral

Álvaro Gaytán de la Nava

Álvaro Gaytán de la Nava

Contratado postdoctoral

Elena Villa Sanabria

Elena Villa Sanabria

Investigadora predoctoral FPU

Andrés Delgado Galán

Andrés Delgado Galán

Investigador JAE intro

Juan Santiago Cara García

Juan Santiago Cara García

Técnico Titulado Medio

Eduardo Gutiérrez González

Eduardo Gutiérrez González

Técnico de laboratorio

María Belén Herrador Esquinas

María Belén Herrador Esquinas

Técnica contratada

Manoli Alba Gutiérrez

Manoli Alba Gutiérrez

Técnica contratada

Gabriela Melchiore

Gabriela Melchiore

Técnica contratada

Pedro Solera Álvarez

Pedro Solera Álvarez

Técnico contratado en prácticas

Sara García Garrido

Sara García Garrido

Técnica contratada

Marcelino Martínez Muñoz

Marcelino Martínez Muñoz



Principales Proyectos 

Revitalizing semi-arid mixed farming habitats through the sustainable management of their associated scrubs areas (LIFE ScrubsNet). 2021-2016. LIFE 2020 Nature and Biodiversity. Coordinador: Innogestiona Ambiental. IP IRNAS: Lorena Gómez-Aparicio.

Sustainability for Mediterranean Hotspots in Andalusia integrating LifeWatch ERIC (LifeWatch ERIC – SUMHAL). WP7: Improving sustainability of Mediterranean forests and silvopastoral agrosystems under climate change. 2019-2023. FEDER – LifeWatch ERIC. Coordinadores: F. Pando & M.B. García. WP7: M. Fernández-López (EEZ) & L. Gómez-Aparicio (IRNAS).

Entendiendo la importancia de la DIVERSIdad vegetal y edáFICA en los procesos de decaimiento de Quercus en Andalucía (DIVERSIFICA). 2020-2022. Junta de Andalucía. Proyectos de Investigación orientados a los Retos de la sociedad Andaluza. IP: Lorena Gómez-Aparicio.

Impacto de las tendencias de desecación sobre la biodiversidad de hábitats acuáticos singulares (LAGUNAS). 2019-2022. Ref. PID2019-104343RB-I00. Plan Nacional 2019. IP: Dra. C. Díaz Paniagua. Participan EBD, IRNAS, Dept. BOTANICA y Dept. ECOLOGIA, Univ. de Sevilla.

Impacto del cambio climático sobre los MICROorganismos del suelo: implicaciones para la salud y FUNcionamiento del bosque mediterráneo (MICROFUN).  2019-2021. Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientado a los Retos de la Sociedad (MINEICO). IP: Lorena Gómez-Aparicio & Ignacio M. Pérez-Ramos (IRNAS, CSIC).

Direct and indirect effects of climate change on biotic communities and exotic pathogens in mixed Mediterranean forests (706055-CCPame).  2017-2018. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, H2020-IF-2015 Unión Europea. IP: María S. Serrano & Lorena Gómez-Aparicio.

Bases fisiológicas y genéticas de las adaptaciones locales en respuesta a la sequía. 2017-2018. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). IP: Lorena Gómez-Aparicio.

Epigenética y evolución adaptativa de herbáceas en dehesas andaluzas ante el cambio climático (EPIGEHESA). 2017-2018. Fundación Biodiversidad.  IP: Ignacio M. Pérez-Ramos (IRNAS, CSIC).

Las dehesas frente al cambio global: una aproximación multi-funcional (DECAFUN; CGL2015-70123-R). 2016-2018. Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientado a los Retos de la Sociedad (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ). IP: Ignacio M. Pérez-Ramos (IRNAS, CSIC).

INductores de REsistencia para frenar la destrucción de ecosistemas amenazados por PAtógenos eXoticos: el caso del alcornocal centenario de Donana (INREPAX). 2016-2018. Fundación BBVA. IP: María Esperanza Sánchez  (UCO).

Drought adaptations in cork oak trees in a changing world (DRACO). 2015-2017. British Ecological Society (5603-6647). IP: Luis Matías (IRNAS-CSIC).

Maintenance of species diversity and the stability of ecosystem functioning (BioFUNC). 2016-2018. 66118-BioFUNC-H2020-MSCA-IF-2014, EU VII Framework Programme. IP: Oscar Godoy  (IRNAS-CSIC).

Linking Network structure and species CoeXistence (LiNCX). 2015-2017. CGL2014-61590-EXP. Explora Ciencia 2014 (MINECO). IP: Ignasi Bartomeus (EBD-CSIC) & Oscar Godoy  (IRNAS-CSIC).

INTERactive effects of climate ChAnge and exotic PAthogens on biotic communities of mixed Mediterranean forests (INTERCAPA) 2015-2018. CGL2014-56739-R. MICINN. IP: Lorena Gómez-Aparicio (IRNAS-CSIC).

Non-hierarchical competition and the maintenance of species diversity. British Ecological Society (UK). BES-5721-6765. Duration: 2015-2016. IP: Oscar Godoy  (IRNAS-CSIC).

Competitive hierarchies and the maintenance of species diversity. 2014-2015. Spanish Association of Terrestrial Ecology. IP: Oscar Godoy (IRNAS-CSIC).

Spatial patterns of effective seed dispersal in two Quercus species: an approach using neighborhood models. 2013-2014. Spanish Association of Terrestrial Ecology. PI: Dr. Ignacio M. Pérez-Ramos (IRNAS-CSIC).

The role of plant soil feedbacks in the community dynamics of declining Quercus forests (RETROBOS). 2012-2014. CGL2011-26877. MICINN. IP: Lorena Gómez-Aparicio (IRNAS-CSIC).

Global change, altitudinal migration and colonization of degraded habitats in Mediterranean mountains (MIGRAME). 2011-2014. Proyecto de Excelencia RNM 6734. Junta de Andalucía. PI: Dr. Regino Zamora (University of Granada).

Biogeochemical alterations by wading birds in Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems (BIOGEOBIRD). 2011-2014. Proyecto de Excelencia RNM-4987. Junta de Andalucía. PI: Dr. Luis V. García (IRNAS-CSIC).

Niche and neutral controls over coexistence in a serpentine annual community. 2010-2013. National Science Foundation. Ecology Panel Award 0743365. PI: Jonathan M. Levine (University of California-Santa Barbara).

Evaluation of the system of temporal ponds in the Doñana National Park: application to the maganement and conservation of aquatic habitats. 2010-2013. Ref. 158/2010. Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales. PI: Dra. Carmen Díaz Paniagua (EBD-CSIC).

Combining bottom-up and top-down analyses to test fundamental concepts in invasion biology. 2010-2012. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). IP: Dr. Jonathan Jeschke (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich).

Spanish woodlands and global change: threats and opportunities (MONTES). CONSOLIDER project. CSD2008-00040. MICINN. 2009-2014. PI: Dr. Javier Retana  (CREAF).

The decline of Quercus suber in the Doñana National Park: an experimental approach (DECALDO). 2009-2013. Ref. 091/2009. Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales. IP: Luis V. García (IRNAS-CSIC).

Ecological interactions and global change in Mediterranean forests. Subproject 1. Tree-soil interactions and forest function: a spatially-explicit approach using neighborhood models. 2009-2012. CGL2008-04503-C03-01/BOS. MICINN. IP: Teodoro Marañón (IRNAS-CSIC).

Sustainable forest managament of Mediterranean forests in a global change scenario: research, application and transference. 2007-2010. Proyecto de Excelencia RNM- 1890. Junta de Andalucía. PI: Dr. Regino Zamora (Universidad de Granada).


Hidalgo-Galvez, M. D.; Matías, L.; Cambrollé, J.; Gutiérrez, E. & Pérez-Ramos, I. M. Impact of climate change on pasture quality in Mediterranean dehesas subjected to different grazing histories. Plant Soil. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-023-05986-9.

Homet, P.; Ourcival, J-M; Gutiérrez, E.; Domínguez-Begines, J.; Matías, L.; Godoy, O.& Gómez-Aparicio, L. Short- and long-term responses of nematode communities to predicted rainfall reduction in Mediterranean forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry: Vol. 179, 108974.

Martins-Noguerol, R.; Matías, L.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Moreira, X.; Francisco, M.; Pedroche, J.; DeAndrés-Gil, C.; Gutiérrez, E.; Salas, J.J.; Moreno-Pérez, A.J.; Davy, J.D.; Muñoz-Vallés, S.; Figueroa, M.E. & Cambrollé, J.; Soil physicochemical properties associated with the yield and phytochemical composition of the edible halophyte Crithmum maritimum. Science of The Total Environment: Vol. 869, 161806.

Gallego-Tévar, B.; Hidalgo-Galvez, M. D.; Cambrollé, J.; Martínez-Muñoz, M.; Villar-Godoy, A. & Pérez-Ramos, I. M. Transgenerational responses to climate change in Mediterranean annual species with contrasting functional strategies. Environmental and Experimental Botany, in press.

Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Domínguez-Begines, J.; Villa-Sanabria, E.; García, L.V. & Muñoz-Pajares, A. J. Tree decline and mortality following pathogen invasion alters the diversity, composition and network structure of the soil microbiome. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 166: 108560.

Martín, J; Recio, P; Rodríguez-Ruiz, G; Barja, I.; Gutiérrez, E. & García, L. V. Relationships between soil pollution by heavy metals and melanin-dependent coloration of a fossorial amphisbaenian reptile. Integrative Zoology, en prensa.

Martins-Noguerol, R.; Pérez-Ramos, I. M.; Matías, L.; Moreira, X.; Francisco, M.; García-González, A.; Martínez-Force, E.; Moreno-Pérez, A. J. & Cambrollé, J. Crithmum maritimum seeds, a potential source for high-quality oil and phenolic compounds in soils with no agronomical relevance. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, in press.

Martins-Noguerol, R.; Matías, L.; Pérez-Ramos, I. M.; Moreira, X.; Muñoz-Vallés, S.; Mancilla-Leytón, J. M.; Francisco, M.; García-González, A.; DeAndrés-Gil, C.; Martínez-Force, E.; Millán-Linares, M. C.; Pedroche, J.; Figueroa, M. E.; Moreno-Pérez, A. J. & Cambrollé, J. Exploring the nutritional composition of Crithmum maritimum growing in contrasting habitats and under optimal controlled conditions. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, in press.

Rivas-Rivas, M.B.; Douterlungne, D.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Badano, E.I. & Flores, J.A. Restoration interventions produce opposite and non‐additive benefits on tree establishment in degraded forest clearings. Restoration Ecology, e13539.

Serrano, M.S., M.A. Romero, P. Homet & L. Gómez-Aparicio. Climate change impact on the population dynamics of exotic pathogens: The case of the worldwide pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 322: 109002.

Verdú, M., J. Garrido, J. Alcántara & 90 autores. RecruitNet: A global database of plant recruitment networks. Ecology 104: e3923.

Yang, X.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Lortie, C.; Verdú, M.; Cavieres, L.; Huang, Z.; Gao, R.; Liu, R.; Zhao, Y. & Cornelissen, H. Net plant interactions are highly variable and weakly dependent on climate at the global scale. Ecology Letters, in press.

Ávila, J.M.; Gallardo, A.; Ibáñez, B. & Gómez-Aparicio, L. Pathogen-induced tree mortality modifies key components of the C and N cycles with no changes on microbial functional diversity. Ecosystems 24: 451-466.

Chano, V.; Domínguez-Flores, T.; Hidalgo-Galvez, M. D.; Rodríguez-Calcerrada, J. & Pérez-Ramos, I. M. Acclimation of hare barley (Hordeum murinum subsp. leporinum L.) to climate change by epigenetic regulation. Heredity 126 (5): 748-762.

de la Riva, E.G.; Prieto, I.; Marañón, T.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Olmo, M. & Villar, R. Root economics spectrum and construction costs in Mediterranean woody plants: The role of symbiotic associations and the environment. Journal of Ecology 109: 1873–1885.

de la Riva E. G.; Querejeta, J. I.; Villar, R.; Pérez-Ramos, I. M.; Marañón, T.; Galán-Díaz, J.; de Tomás, S. & Prieto, I. The Economics Spectrum Drives Root Trait Strategies in Mediterranean Vegetation. Frontiers in Plant Science 12:773118.

Domínguez-Begines, J., J.M. Ávila, L.V. García & L. Gómez-Aparicio. Disentangling the role of oomycete soil pathogens as drivers of plant-soil feedbacks. Ecology 102: e03430

Gutiérrez-Hernández, O. & García, L. V. Increased risk of COVID-19 from walking dogs? Most likely, a spurious finding. Environmental Research 201: 111600.

Gutiérrez-Hernández, O. & García, L. V. Multiplicity Eludes Peer Review: The Case of COVID-19 Research. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18: 9304.

Gutiérrez-Hernández, O. & García, L. V. On the usefulness of the bioclimatic correlative models of SARS-CoV-2. Environmental Research 195: 110818.

Gutiérrez-Hernández, O., García, L.V. Relationship between precipitation and species distribution. In: J. Rodrigo-Comino (Ed.): Precipitation: earth surface responses and processes (1st ed., Chapter 11, pp. 239-259). Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Heger, T.; Aguilar, C.; Bartram, I.; Rennó-Braga, R.; Dietl, G.P.; Enders, M; Gibson, D.J.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Gras, P.; Jax, K.; Lokatis, S.;  Lortie, C.J.; Mupepele, A.C.; Schindler, S.; Starrfelt, J.; Synodinos, A. & Jeschke, J.M. The hierarchy-of-hypotheses approach: a synthesis method for enhancing theory development in ecology and evolution. BioScience 71: 337–349.

Homet, P.; Gómez‐Aparicio, L.; Matías, L. & Godoy, O. Soil fauna modulates the effect of experimental drought on litter decomposition in forests invaded by an exotic pathogen. Journal of Ecology 109: 2963–2980.

Martín, J; Rodríguez-Ruiz, G; Barja, I.; Recio, P. & García, L. V.  Soil pollution by heavy metals correlates with levels of faecal glucocorticoid metabolites of a fossorial amphisbaenian reptile. Conservation Physiology 9: coab085.

Martins-Noguerol, R; Matías, L; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Moreira, X; Muñoz-Vallés, S; Mancilla-Leytón, J.M.; Francisco, M.; García-González, A.; De Andrés-Gil, C.; Martínez-Force, E.; Millán-Linares, M.C.; Pedroche, J.; Figueroa, M.E.; Moreno-Péreza, A.J. & Cambrollé, J. Differences in nutrient composition of sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum) grown in different habitats and optimally controlled growing conditions. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 106: 104266.

Matías, L; Hidalgo-Galvez, M.D.; Cambrollé, J.; Domínguez, M.T. & Pérez-Ramos, I.M. How will forecasted warming and drought affect soil respiration in savannah ecosystems? The role of tree canopy and grazing legacy. Interactive effects with tree canopy and grazing intensity. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 304–305: 108425.

Mejía-Domínguez, N., J. Meave, C. Díaz-Ávalos & L. Gómez-Aparicio. Using spatial patterns of seeds and saplings to assess the prevalence of heterospecific replacements among cloud forest canopy tree specie. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e13083.

Moreira, X.; Pérez-Ramos, I. M.; Matías, L.; Francisco, M.; García-González, A.; Martins-Noguerol, R.; Vázquez-González, C.; Abdala-Roberts, L. & Cambrollé, J. Effects of soil abiotic factors and plant chemical defences on seed predation on sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum). Plant and Soil 465: 289-300.

Pérez‐Ramos, I.M.; Álvarez‐Méndez, A.; Wald, K.; Matías, L.; Hidalgo‐Galvez, M.D. & Navarro‐Fernández, C.M. Direct and indirect effects of global change on mycorrhizal associations of savanna plant communities. Oikos 130: 1370-1384.

Rivas-Rivas. M.B.; Douterlungne, D.; Gómez Aparicio, L.; Badano, E.I. & Flores-Cano, J.A. Restoration interventions produce opposite and non-additive benefits on tree establishment in degraded forest clearings. Restoration Ecology, en prensa e13539.

Serrano, M.S., Pérez, F.J. & L. Gómez-Aparicio. Disentangling the interactive effects of climate change and Phytophthora cinnamomi on coexisting Mediterranean tree species. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 298-299: 108295.

Domínguez-Begines, J., J.M. Ávila, L.V. García & L. Gómez-Aparicio. Soil-borne pathogens as determinants of regeneration patterns at community level in Mediterranean forests. New Phytologist 227: 588-600.

Enders, M., F. Havemann, F. Ruland, M. Bernard-Verdier, J.A. Catford, L. Gómez-Aparicio, S. Haider, T. Heger, C. Kueffer, I. Kühn, L.A. Meyerson, C. Musseau, A. Novoa, A. Ricciardi, A. Sagouis, C. Schittko, D.L. Strayer, M. Vilà, F. Essl, P.E. Hulme, M. van Kleunen, S. Kumschick, J.L. Lockwood, A.L. Mabey, M. McGeoch, E. Palma, P. Pyšek, W.C. Saul, F.A. Yannelli & J.M. Jeschke. A conceptual map of invasion biology: integrating hypotheses into a consensus network. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 978-991.

Godoy, O., L. Gómez-Aparicio, L. Matías, I. Perez-Ramos & E. Allan. An excess of niche differences maximizes ecosystem functioning. Nature Communications 11: 4180.

Gómez, M.C., M. González, L. Gómez-Aparicio & M.S. Serrano. Response of Phytophthora cinnamomi to coexistent woody species. Annals of Applied Biology 177: 41-50.

González, M., M.A. Romero, L.V. García, L. Gómez-Aparicio & M.S. Serrano. Unravelling the role of drought as predisposing factor for Quercus suber decline caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi. European Journal of Plant Pathology 156: 1015-1021.

Gutiérrez-Hernández, O. & García, L. V. Do weather and climate influence the distribution of the novel coronavirus (SARS CoV-2)? A review from a biogeographical perspective . Investigaciones Geográficas 73: 31-55.

Martínez-Muñoz, M., L. Gómez-Aparicio & I.M. Pérez-Ramos. Techniques to promote tree regeneration in Mediterranean savannah-like ecosystems. Ecosistemas 28: 142-149.

Moreira, X.; Abdala-Roberts, L.; Hidalgo-Galvez, M. D.; Vázquez-González, C. & Pérez-Ramos, I. M. Micro-climatic effects on plant phenolics at the community level in a Mediterranean savanna. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 14757.

Pérez-Ramos, I.M., J. Cambrollé, J., M.D. Hidalgo-Galvez, L. Matías, A. Montero-Ramírez, S. Santolaya & O. Godoy. Phenological responses to climate change in communities of plants species with contrasting functional strategies. Environmental and Experimental Botany 170: 103852.

Ávila, J.M., A. Gallardo & L. Gómez-Aparicio. Pathogen-induced tree mortality interacted with predicted climate change to decelerate biogeochemical cycles in Mediterranean systems. Biogeochemistry 142: 53-71.

Domínguez-Begines, J., G.B. De Deyn, L.V. García, N. Eisenhauer & Gómez-Aparicio. Cascading spatial and trophic impacts of oak decline on the soil food web as indicated by soil nematodes. Journal of Ecology 107: 1199-1214.

Homet, P., M. González, L. Matías, O. Godoy, I.M. Pérez-Ramos, L.V. García & L. Gómez-Aparicio. Exploring interactive effects of climate change and exotic pathogens on Quercus suber performance: Damage caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi varies across contrasting scenarios of soil moisture. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 276-277: 107605.

Martínez-Muñoz, M.; Gómez-Aparicio, L. & Pérez-Ramos, I. M.  Techniques to promote tree regeneration in Mediterranean savannah-like ecosystems. Ecosistemas 28: 142-149.

Matías, L., M. Abdelaziz, O. Godoy & L. Gómez-Aparicio. Disentangling the climatic and biotic factors driving changes in the dynamics of Quercus suber populations across the species’ latitudinal range. Diversity and Distributions 25: 524-535.

Matías, L., I.M. Pérez-Ramos & L. Gómez-Aparicio. Are northern-edge populations of cork oak more sensitive to drought than those of the sourthern-edge? An experimental trait-based approach. Environmental and Experimental Botany 163: 78-85.

Moreira, X., L. Abdala-Roberts, I.M. Pérez-Ramos, J.M.H. Knops, M.B. Pesendorfer, W.D. Koenig & K.A. Mooney. Weather cues associated with masting behavior dampen the negative autocorrelation between past and current reproduction in oaks. American Journal of Botany 106: 51-60.

Pérez-Ramos, I.M., L. Matías, L. Gómez-Aparicio & O. Godoy. Functional traits and phenotypic plasticity modulate species coexistence in changing environments. Nature Communications 10: 2555.

Sendek, A., C. Karakoç, C. Wagg, J. Domínguez-Begines, G. Martucci de Couto, M. van der Heijden, A. Naz, A. Lochner, A. Chatzinotas, S. Klotz, L. Gómez-Aparicio & N. Eisenhauer. Drought modulates interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity and barley genotype diversity. Scientific Reports 9: 9650.

Gutiérrez-Hernández, O. & L.V. García. The geographical dimension of biological invasions in the Anthropocene: the case of Xylella fastidiosa. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos 80: 2771 1-32.

Braga, R.R., L. Gómez-Aparicio, T. Heger, J.R.S. Vitule & J.M. Jeschke. Structuring evidence for invasional meltdown: broad support but with biases and gaps. Biological Invasions 20: 923-936.

Camarero, J.J., R. Sánchez-Salguero, G. Sangüesa-Barreda & L Matías. Tree species from contrasting hydrological niches show divergent growth and water-use efficiency. Dendrochronologia 52, 87-95.

De la Riva, E.G., T. Marañón, I.M. Pérez-Ramos, C.M. Navarro-Fernández, M. Olmo & R. Villar. Root traits across environmental gradients in Mediterranean woody communities: are they aligned along a single acquisition-conservation axis? Plant and Soil 424: 35-48.

De la Riva, E.G., R. Villar, I.M. Pérez-Ramos, J.L. Quero, L. Matías, L. Poorter & T. Marañón.  Relationships between leaf mass per area and nutrient traits in 98 Mediterranean woody species are determined by phylogeny, habitat and leaf life-span. Trees 32: 497-510.

de la Riva, E.G., C. Violle, I.M. Pérez-Ramos, T. Marañón, C.M. Navarro-Fernández, M. Olmo & R. Villar. A multidimensional functional trait approach reveals the imprint of environmental stress in Mediterranean woody communities. Ecosystems 21: 248-262.

Jiménez-Chacón, A., P. Homet, L. Matías, L. Gómez-Aparicio & O. Godoy. Fine scale determinants of soil litter fauna on a Mediterranean mixed oak forest invaded by the exotic soil-borne pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi. Forests 9: 218.

Matías, L., O. Godoy, L. Gómez-Aparicio & I.M. Pérez-Ramos. An experimental extreme drought reduces the likelihood of species to coexist despite increasing intransitivity in competitive networks. Journal of Ecology 106: 826-837.

Romero M.A., M. González, M.S. Serrano & M.E. Sánchez. Trunk injection of fosetyl-aluminium controls the root disease caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi on Quercus ilex. Annals of Applied Biology 174: 313-318.

Serrano M.S., A. Almaraz-Sánchez, T. Osmudson, P.J.P. Croucher, T. Swiecki, D. Alvarado & M. Garbelotto. A microsatellite analysis of worlwide genotypes of Phytophthora cinnamomi identifies global pathways of movement, the emergence of novel strains, and the source of recent wildland infestations in North America. Phytopathology 109: 1577-1593.

Rutten, G. & L. Gómez-Aparicio. Plant-soil feedbacks and root responses of two Mediterranean oaks along a precipitation gradient. Plant and Soil 424: 221-231.

Ávila, J.M.,  J.C. Linares, A. García-Nogales, M.E. Sánchez & L. Gómez-Aparicio. Across-scale patterning of plant-soil-pathogen interactions in Quercus suber decline. European Journal of Forest Research 136: 677-688.

Caballero, M.C.M, I.M. Pérez-Ramos, L. Matías & M.S. Serrano. Simulation of the potential infectivity range of Phytophthora cinnamomi under climate change. Phytopathologia Mediterranea 56: 372-373.

Domínguez, M.T., E. Gutiérrez, B. González-Domínguez, M. Román, J.M. Ávila, C. Ramo, J.M. González & L.V. García. Impacts of protected colonial birds on soil microbial communities: When protection leads to degradation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 105: 59–70.

De la Riva, E.G.; F. Lloret, I.M. Pérez-Ramos, T. Marañón, S. Saura-Mas, R. Díaz-Delgado & R. Villar. The importance of functional diversity in the stability of Mediterranean shrubland communities after the impact of extreme climatic events. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 281-293.

De la Riva, E.G., C. Violle, I.M. Pérez-Ramos, T. Marañón, C.M. Navarro-Fernández, M. Olmo & R. Villar. A multidimensional functional trait approach reveals the imprint of environmental stress in Mediterranean woody communities. Ecosystems 21: 248-262.

De la Riva, E.G., T. Marañón, C. Violle, R. Villar & I.M. Pérez-Ramos. Biogeochemical and ecomorphological niche segregation of Mediterranean woody species along a local gradient. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1242.

Fedriani, J.M., L.V. García, M.E. Sanchéz, J. Calderón & C. Ramo. Long-term impact of protected colonial birds on a jeopardized cork oak population: conservation bias leads to restoration failure. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 450-458.

Godoy, O., D.B. Stouffer, N.J.B. Kraft & J.M. Levine. Intransitivity is infrequent and fails to promote annual plant coexistence without pairwise niche differences. Ecology 98: 1193-1200.

Gómez-Aparicio, L., J. Domínguez-Begines,  P. Kardol, J.M. Ávila, B. Ibáñez & L.V. García. Plant-soil feedbacks in declining forests: implications for species coexistence. Ecology 98: 1908-1921.

Ibáñez, B., L. Gómez-Aparicio, J.M. Ávila, I.M. Pérez-Ramos & T. Marañón. Effects of Quercus suber decline on woody plant regeneration: potential implications for successional dynamics in Mediterranean forests. Ecosystems 20: 630-644.

Martín, J., E. Gutiérrez & L.V. García. Alteration effects of ornamental whitewashing of rocks on the soil properties and body condition of fossorial amphisbaenians that live under them. Herpetological Conservation Biology 12: 367-372.

Matías, L., J. Castro, P. Villar-Salvador, J.L. Quero & A.S. Jump. Differential impact of hotter drought on seedling performance of five ecologically distinct pine speciesPlant Ecology 218: 201-212.

Matías, L., J.C. Linares, A. Sánchez-Miranda & A.S. Jump. Contrasting growth forecasts across the geographical range of Scots pine due altitudinal and latitudinal differences in climatic sensitivity. Global Change Biology 23: 4106-4116.

Moreira, X., I.M. Pérez-Ramos, L. Abdala-Roberts & K.A. Mooney. Functional responses of contrasting seed predator guilds to masting in two Mediterranean oak species. Oikos 126: 1042–1050.

Pérez-Ramos, I. M., R. Díaz-Delgado, E.G. de la Riva, R. Villar, F. Lloret & T. Marañón. Climate variability and community stability in Mediterranean shrublands: the role of functional diversity and soil environment. Journal of Ecology 105: 1335-1346.

Pérez-Ramos, I.M., Y. García-De la Cruz & L. Gómez-Aparicio. Contrasting responses of insects and vertebrates as seed consumers of two neotropical oak species: the interactive effects of individual crop size and seed mass. Forest Ecology and Management 401: 99-106.

Rueda, M., O. Godoy & B.A. Hawkins. Spatial and evolutionary parallelism between shade and drought tolerance explains the distributions of conifers in the conterminous United States. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 31-42.

Ruíz-Benito, P., S. Ratcliffe, A.S. Jump, L. Gómez-Aparicio, J. Madrigal-González, C. Wirth, G. Kändler, A. Lehtonen, J. Dahlgren, J. Kattge & M.A. Zavala. Functional diversity underlies demographic responses to environmental variation across European forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 128-141.

Ávila, J.M.; Gallardo, A; Ibáñez, B. & Gómez-Aparicio, L. Quercus suber dieback alters soil respiration and nutrient availability in Mediterranean forests. Journal of Ecology 104: 1441-1452

De la Riva, E.G.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Tosto, A.; Navarro-Fernández, C.M.; Olmo, M.; Marañón, T. & Villar, R. Disentangling the relative importance of species occurrence, abundance and intraspecific variability in community assembly: a trait-based approach at the whole-plant level in Mediterranean forests. Oikos 125: 354–363.

De la Riva, E. G.; Tosto, A.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Navarro-Fernández, C.M.; Olmo, M.; Anten, N.P.R.; Marañón, T. & Villar, R. A plant economics spectrum in Mediterranean forests along environmental gradients: is there coordination among leaf, stem and root traits?. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 187–199.

De la Riva, E.G.; Lloret, F.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Marañón, T.; Saura-Mas, S.; Díaz-Delgado, R. & Villar, R. The importance of functional diversity in the stability of Mediterranean shrubland communities after the impact of extreme climatic events. Journal of Plan Ecology, March 2016: 1-13 .

Koenig, W.D.; Alejano, R.; Carbonero, M.D.; Fernández-Rebollo, P.; Knops, J.M.H.; Marañón, T.; Padilla-Díaz, C.M.; Pearse, I.S.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Vázquez-Piqué, J. & Pesendorfer, M.B. Is the relationship between mast-seeding and weather in oaks related to their life-history or phylogeny? Ecology 97: 2603-2615.

Lloret, F.; De la Riva, E.G.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Marañón, T.; Saura-Mas, S.; Díaz-Delgado, R. & Villar, R. Climatic events inducing die-off in Mediterranean shrublands: are species’ responses related to their functional traits? Oecologia 180: 961–973.

Matías, L.; González-Díaz, P.; Quero, J.L.; Camarero, J.J.; Lloret, F. & Jump, A.S. Role of geographical provenance on the response of silver fir seedlings to experimental warming and drought. Tree Physiology 36: 1236-1246.

Navarro-Fernández, C.M.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; de la Riva, E.G.; Vera, J.R.; Roumet, C.; Villar, R. & Marañón, T. Functional responses of Mediterranean plant communities to soil resource heterogeneity: a mycorrhizal trait-based approach. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 1243-1253.

Domínguez, M.T.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Murillo, J.M. & Marañón, T. Facilitating the afforestation of Mediterranean  polluted soils by nurse shrubs. Journal of Environmental Management 161: 276-286.

Godoy, O.; Rueda, M. & Hawkins, B.A. Functional determinants of forest recruitment over broad scales. Global Ecology & Biogeography 24: 192-202.

Ibáñez, B.Gómez-Aparicio, L.Ávila, J.M.Pérez-Ramos, I.M.García, L.V. & Marañón, T. Impact of tree decline on spatial patterns of seedling-mycorrhiza interactions: implications for regeneration dynamics in Mediterranean forests. Forest Ecology and Management 353: 1–9.

Ibáñez, B.; Gómez-AparicioL.; Stoll, P.; Ávila, J.M.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M. & Marañón, T. A neighborhood analysis of the consequences of Quercus suber decline for regeneration dynamics in Mediterranean forests. PLOS One. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0117827.

Kraft, N.J.B; Godoy, O. & Levine, J.M. Plant functional traits and the multidimensional nature of species coexistence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. doi:10.1073/pnas.1413650112.

Martín, J.; García-Roa, R.; Ortega, J.; Pérez-Cembranos, A.; García, L.V. & Pérez-Mellado, V. Occurrence and ecological aspects of the two-fingered skink Chalcides mauritanicus at the Chafarinas Islands in North Africa. African Journal of Herpetology 64: 67-79.

Martín, J.; López, P.; Gutiérrez, E. García, L.V. Natural and anthropogenic alterations of the soil affect body condition of the fossorial amphisbaenian Trogonophis wiegamnni in North Africa. Journal of Arid Environment 122: 30-36.

Matías, L. & Jump, A.S. Asymmetric changes of growth and reproductive investment herald altitudinal and latitudinal range shifts of two woody species. Global Change Biology 21: 882-896.

Matías, L.; Zamora, R. & Castro, J. Effects of the variation on the precipitation regime over the regeneration of Mediterranean mountain forests. In: Herrero A, Zavala MA, editors. Forests and Biodiversity under climate change: Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation in Spain. Pages 215-224. MAGRAMA, Madrid, Spain.

Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Padilla-Díaz, C.M.; Koenig, W.D. & Marañón, T.  Environmental drivers of mast-seeding in Mediterranean oak species: does leaf habit matter? Journal of Ecology 103: 691–700.

Siefert, A.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Wardle, D.A. et al. A global meta-analysis of the relative extent of intraspecific trait variation in plant communities. Ecology Letters 18: 1406-1419.

Anthelme, F.; Gómez-Aparicio, L. & Montúfar, R. Nurse-based restoration of degraded tropical forests with tussock grasses: experimental support from the Andean cloud forest. Journal of Applied Ecology 51: 1534-1543.

Aponte, C.; Matías, L.; Gónzalez-Rodríguez, V; Castro, J.; García, L.V.; Villar, R. & Marañón, T. Soil nutrients and microbial biomass in three contrasting Mediterranean forests. Plant and Soil 380: 57-72.

Benito, B. M.; Lorite, J.; Pérez-Pérez, R.; Gómez-Aparicio, L. & Peñas, J. Forecasting plant range collapse in a Mediterranean hotspot: when dispersal uncertainties matter. Diversity & Distributions 20: 72-83.

Birouste, M.; Zamora-Ledezma, E.; Bossard, C.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M. & Roumet, C. Measurement of fine root tissue density: a comparison of three methods reveals the potential of root dry matter content. Plant and Soil 374: 299–313.

Castro-Díez, P.; Godoy, O; Alonso, A.; Saldaña, A. & Gallardo, A. What explains variation in the impacts of exotic plant invasions on the nitrogen cycle? A meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 17: 1-12.

Florencio, M.; Serrano, L., Siljeström, P.A.; Fernández-Zamudio, R.; García-Murillo, P. & Díaz-Paniagua C. The influence of geomorphology on the composition of aquatic flora and fauna within a temporary pond network. Limnetica 33:  327-340.

Godoy, O. & Levine, J.M. Phenology effects on invasion success: insights from coupling field experiments to coexistence theory. Ecology 95: 726-736.

Godoy, O.; Kraft, N.J.B. & Levine, J.M. Phylogeny relatedness and the determinants of competitive outcomes.  Ecology Letters 17: 836-844. Selected as a “very good” by the Faculty of 1000.

Gómez-Aparicio, L. & Lortie, C.J. Advancing plant ecology through meta-analysis. Journal of Ecology 102: 823-827.

González-Muñoz, N.; Castro-Díez, P. &  Godoy, OLack of superiority of invasive over co-occuring native riparian tree seedling species. Biological Invasions 16: 269-281.

Ibáñez, B.; Ibáñez, I; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Ruíz-Benito, P.; García, L.V. & Marañón, T. Contrasting effects of climate change along life stages of a dominant tree species: the unexpected role of soils. Diversity & Distributions 20: 872-883.

Kraft, N.J.B.; Adler, P.B; Godoy, O. & Levine, J.M. Community assembly, coexistence, and the habitat filtering metaphor. Functional Ecology 29: 592-599.

Matías, L.; González-Díaz, P. & Jump, A.S. Larger investment in roots in southern range-edge populations of Scots pine is associated with increased growth and seedling resistance to extreme drought in response to simulated climate change. Environmental & Experimental Botany 105: 32-38.

Matías, L. & Jump, A.S. Impacts of predicted climate change on recruitment at the geographical limits of Scots pine. Journal of Experimental Botany 65: 299-310.

Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Aponte, C.; García, L.V.;  Padilla-Díaz, C.M. & Marañón, T. Why is seed production so variable among individuals? A ten-year study with oaks reveals the importance of soil environment. PLoS ONE 9: e115371.

Ruíz-Benito, P.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Paquette, A.; Messier, C.; Kattge, J. & Zavala, M.A. . Diversity increases carbon storage and tree productivity in Spanish forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23: 311-322.

Vizcaíno-Palomar, N.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Pavón-García, J.; Bartolomé, C.; Álvarez, J. & Zavala, M.A. Main biotic drivers of tree growth in a developing Juniperus thurifera stand in Central Spain. European Journal of Forest Research 133: 1109-1119.

Zamora, R. & Matías, LSeed dispersers, seeds predators and herbivores act synergistically as habitat shapers in Mediterranean mountains.  PLoS ONE 9: e107385.

Aponte, C.; García, L.V. & Marañón, T. Tree species-specific effects on nutrient cycling and soil biota: a feedback mechanism favouring species. Forest Ecology and Management 309: 36-46.

De Vita, P.; Serrano, M.;  Ramo, C.;  Aponte, C.; García, L.V.; Belbahri, L. & Sánchez, M.E. First report of root rot caused byPythium spiculum affecting cork oaks at Doñana Biological Reserve (Spain). Plant Disease 97: 991.

Godoy, O. & Gianoli, E. Functional variation of leaf succulence in a cold rainforest epiphyte. Plant Ecology and Evolution 146: 167-172.

Martín, J.; López, P. & García, L.V. Soil characteristics determine microhabitat selection of the fossorial amphisbaenian Trogonophis wiegmann. Journal of Zoology 290: 265-272.

Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Rodríguez-Calcerrada, J.; Ourcival, J.M. & Rambal, S. Quercus ilex recruitment in a drier world: A multi-stage demographic approach. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 15: 106-117.

Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Verdú, J.R.; Numa, C.; Marañón, T. & Lobo, J.M. The comparative effectiveness of rodents and dung beetles as local seed dispersers in Mediterranean oak forests. PLoS One 8: e77197.

Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Roumet, C.; Volaire, F.; Fathet, M. & Blanchard, A. Tradeoffs between functional strategies for resource-use and drought-survival in Mediterranean rangeland species. Environmental and Experimental Botany 87: 126-136.

Ruíz-Benito, P.; Lines, E.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Coomes, D. & Zavala, M.A. Patterns and drivers of the mortality in Iberian forests: climatic effects are modified by competition. PLOS One, e56843.

Aponte, C.; García, L.V. & Marañón, T. Tree species effect on litter decomposition and nutrient release in Mediterranean oak forests changes over time. Ecosystems 15: 1204–1218.

Domínguez, M.T.; Aponte, C.; Pérez-RamosI.M.; García, L.V.; Villar, R. & Marañón, T. Relationships between leaf morphological traits, nutrient concentration and isotopic signatures for Mediterreanean woody plant species and communities. Plant and Soil 357: 407-424.

Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Ibáñez, B.; Serrano, M.S.; De Vita, P.; Ávila, J.M.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; García, L.V.; Sánchez, M.E. & Marañón, T. Spatial patterns of soil pathogens in declining Mediterranean forests: implications for tree species regeneration. New Phytologist 194: 1014–1024.

Godoy, O.; Valladares, F. & Castro-Díez, P. The relative importance for plant invasiveness of trait means, and their plasticity and integration in a multivariate framework. New Phytologist 195: 912-922.

Holmgren, M.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Quero, J.L. & Valladares, F. Non-linear effects of drought under shade: reconciling physiological and ecological models in plant communities. Oecologia 169: 293-305.

Jeschke, J.M.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Haider, S.; Heger, T.; Lortie, C.J.; Petrusek, A.; Pyšek, P. & Strayer, D.L.  Taxonomic bias and lack of cross-taxonomic studies in invasion biology. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 10: 349-350.

Limousin, J.M.; Rambal, S.; Ourcival, J.M.; Rodríguez-Calcerrada, J.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Rodríguez-Cortina, R.; Misson, L. & Joffre, R. Morphological and phenological shoot plasticity in a Mediterranean evergreen oak facing long-term increased drought. Oecologia 169: 565-577.

Matías, L. & Jump, A.S. Interactions between growth, demography and biotic interactions in determining species range limits in a warming world: the case of Pinus sylvestris. Forest Ecology and Management 282: 10-22.

Matías, L.; Quero, J.L.; Zamora, R. & Castro, J. Evidence for plant traits driving specific drought resistance. A community field experiment. Environmental & Experimental Botany 81: 55-61.

Matías, L.; Zamora, R. & Castro, J. Sporadic rainy events are more critical than increasing of drought intensity for woody species recruitment in a Mediterranean community. Oecologia 169: 833-844.

Matías, L.; Castro, J. & Zamora, R. Effect of simulated climate change on soil respiration in a Mediterranean-type ecosystem: rainfall and habitat type are more important than temperature or the soil carbon pool. Ecosystems 15: 299-310.

Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Roumet, C.; Cruz, P.; Blanchard, A.; Autran, P. & Garnier, E. Evidence for a “plant community economics spectrum” driven by nutrient and water limitations in a Mediterranean rangeland of southern France. Journal of Ecology 100: 1315-1327.

Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Urbieta, T.I.; Zavala, M.A. & Marañón, T. Ontogenetic conflicts and rank reversals in two Mediterranean oak species: implications for coexistence. Journal of Ecology 100: 267-277.

Pérez-Ramos, I.M. & T. Marañón. Community-level seedling dynamics in Mediterranean forests: uncoupling between the canopy and the seedling layers. Journal of Vegetation Science 23: 526-540.

Verdú, M.; Gómez-Aparicio, L. & Valiente-Banuet, A. Phylogenetic relatedness as a tool in restoration ecology: A meta-analysis. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B 279: 1761-1767.

Aponte, C.; García, L.V.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Gutiérrez, E. & Marañón, T. Oak trees and soil interactions in Mediterranean forests: a positive feedback model. Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 856–867.

Castro-Díez, P.; Godoy, O.; Saldaña, A. & Richardson, D.M.. Predicting invasiveness of Australian Acacia species on the basis of their native climatic affinities, life-history traits and human use. Diversity and Distributions 17: 934-945.

De Vita, P.; Serrano, M.S.; Belbahri, L.; García, L.V.; Trapero, A. & Sánchez, M.E. Germination of hyphal bodies of Pythium spiculum isolated from declining cork oaks at Donana National Park (Spain). Phytopathologia Mediterranea 50: 478-481.

García, L.V.; Ramo, C; Aponte, C.; Moreno, A.; Domínguez, M.T.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Redondo, R. & Marañón, T. Protected wading bird species threaten relict centennial cork oaks in a Mediterranean Biosphere Reserve: a conservation management conflict. Biological Conservation 144: 764-771.

Gómez-Aparicio, L.; García-Valdés, R.; Ruíz-Benito, P. & Zavala, M.A. Disentangling the relative importance of climate, size and competition on tree growth in Iberian forests: implications for forest management under global change. Global Change Biology 17: 2400-2414.

Godoy, O.; Lemos-Filho, J.P. & Valladares, F. Invasive species under water stress can handle higher leaf temperature than Mediterranean natives. Environmental and Experimental Botany 71: 207-214.

Godoy, O.; Saldaña, A.; Fuentes, N.; Valladares, F. & Gianoli, E. Forests are not immune to plant invasions: phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation allow Prunella vulgaris to colonize a temperate evergreen rainforest. Biological Invasions 13:1615-1625.

Godoy, O.; Valladares, F. & Castro-Díez, P. Multispecies comparison reveals that invasive and native species differ in their traits but not in their plasticity. Functional Ecology 25: 1247-1259.

Matías, L.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Zamora, R. & Castro, J. Effects of resource availability on plant recruitment at the community level in a Mediterranean mountain ecosystem. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 13: 277-285.

Matías, L.; Zamora, R. & Castro, J. Repercussions of simulated climate change on the diversity of woody-recruit bank in a Mediterranean-type ecosystem. Ecosystems 14: 672-682.

Rodríguez-Calcerrada, J.; Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Ourcival, J.M.; Limousin, J.M.; Joffre, R. & Rambal, S. Is selective thinning an adequate practice for adapting Quercus ilex coppices to climate change? Annals of Forest Science 68: 575-585.

Verdú, J.R.; Numa, C.; Lobo, J.M. & Pérez-Ramos, I.M. Acorn preference under field and laboratory conditions by two flightless Iberian dung beetle species (Thorectes baraudi and Jekelius nitidus): implications for recruitment and management of oak forests in central Spain. Ecological Entomology 36: 104-110.

Aponte, C.; García, L.V.; Marañón, T. & Gardes, M. Indirect host effect on ectomycorrhizal fungi: Leaf fall and litter quality explain changes in fungal communities on the roots of co-occurring Mediterranean oaks. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 42: 788-796.

Aponte, C.; Marañón, T. & García, L.V. Microbial C, N and P in soils of Mediterranean oak forests: influence of season, canopy cover and soil depth. Biogeochemistry 101: 77-92.

Godoy, O.; Castro-Díez, P.; Valladares, F.; Van Logtestinj, R. & Cornelissen, J.H.C. Leaf litter traits of invasive alien species slow down decomposition compared to Spanish natives: a broad phylogenetic comparison. Oecologia 162: 781-790.

Matías, L.; Zamora, R.; Mendoza, I. & Hódar, J.A. Seed dispersal pattern by large frugivorous mammals in a degraded mosaic landscape. Restoration Ecology 18: 619-627.

Pérez-Ramos, I.M.; Ourcival, J.M.; Limousin, J.M. & Rambal, S.  Mast seeding under increasing drought: results from a long-term data set and from a rainfall exclusion experiment. Ecology 91: 3057-3068.

Pérez-Ramos, I. M.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Villar, R.; Garcia, L. V. & Marañón, T.  Seedling growth and morphology of three oak species along field resource gradients and seed mass variation: a seedling-age dependent response. Journal of Vegetation Science 21: 419-437.

Díaz-Paniagua, C.; Fernández-Zamudio, R.; Florencio, M.; García-Murillo, P.; Gómez-Rodríguez, C.; Portheault, A.; Serrano, L. & Siljeström, P.A. Temporary ponds from the Doñana National Park: a system of natural habitats for the preservation of aquatic flora and fauna. Limnetica 29: 41-58.

Godoy, O.; Richardson, D.M.; Valladares, F. & Castro-Díez, P. Flowering phenology of invasive alien plant species compared with native species in three Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Annals of Botany 103: 485-494.

Godoy, O.; Castro-Díez, P.; Valladares, F. & Costa-Tenorio, M. Different flowering phenology of invasive alien species in Spain: an evidence for the use of an empty temporal niche?  Plant Biology 11: 803-811.

Gómez-Aparicio, L. The role of plant interactions in the restoration of degraded ecosystems: a meta-analysis across life-forms and ecosystems. Journal of Ecology 97: 1202-1214.

Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Zavala, M.A.; Bonet, F. &  Zamora, R. Are pine plantations valid tools for restoring Mediterranean forests? An assessment along gradients of climatic conditions, stand density and distance to seed sources. Ecological Applications 19: 2124-2141.

Maltez-Mouro, S.; García L.V. & Freitas, H. Influence of forest structure and environmental variables on recruit survival and performance of two Mediterranean tree species (Quercus faginea L. and Q. suber Lam.). European Journal of Forest Research 128: 27-36.

Matías, L.; Mendoza, I. & Zamora, R. Consistent pattern of habitat and species selection by post-dispersal seed predators in a Mediterranean mosaic landscape. Plant Ecology 203: 137-147.

Mendoza, I.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Zamora, R. & Matías, L. Recruitment limitation of forest communities in a degraded Mediterranean landscape. Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 367-376.

Pérez-Ramos, I.M. & Marañón, T. Effects of waterlogging on seed germination of three Mediterranean oak species: Ecological implications. Acta Oecologica 35: 422-428.

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