
Several members of the IRNAS research group Environmental Microbiology and Cultural Heritage contribute with more than 20% of the contributions to the book Microbial Life of Cave Systems, edited by the renowned german publishing house De Gruyter last October. The volume is part of the book series Life in Extreme Environments, in which De Gruyter publishes contributions to the knowledge of species inhabiting these extreme for life environments. The chapters authored by the members of the research group are “The Microbiology of Show Caves, Mines, Tunnels, and Tombs: Implications for Management and Conservation”, “Lascaux Cave: An Example of Fragile Ecological Balance in Subterranean Environments”, and “Scientific Data Suggest Altamira Cave Should Remain Closed”. More information clicking in http://www.degruyter.com/view/books/9783110339888/9783110339888-fm/9783110339888-fm.xml?format=EBOKmicrobial-life

Varios de los miembros del grupo de investigación del IRNAS Microbiología Ambiental y Patrimonio Cultural contribuyen con más del 20% de las aportaciones al libro Microbial Life of Cave Systems, editado por la prestigiosa editorial alemana De Gruyter a finales del pasado mes de octubre. El volumen forma parte de la serie Life in Extreme Environments en la que la editorial De Gruyter viene publicando aportaciones al conocimiento de las especies que habitan estos ambientes extremos para la vida. En concreto, los capítulos aportados por el grupo de investigación llevan por título “The Microbiology of Show Caves, Mines, Tunnels, and Tombs: Implications for Management and Conservation”, “Lascaux Cave: An Example of Fragile Ecological Balance in Subterranean Environments”, y “Scientific Data Suggest Altamira Cave Should Remain Closed”. Más información visitando http://www.degruyter.com/view/books/9783110339888/9783110339888-fm/9783110339888-fm.xml?format=EBOK

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