The work entitled Analytical pyrolysis (PY-GC/MS) and PY compounds specific isotopic analysis (PY-CSIA) as proxy for the characterization of coralloid speleothems from lava tubes has been awarded during the XVI Latin-American Congress on Chromatography held in Lisbon from 5th to 9th of January 2016 by the scientific committee of the congress with the award to the best scientific contribution. This work has been carried out by the researchers: JM De la Rosa, AZ Miller, NT Morillo Jiménez, JA Calaforra, MFC Pereira, C Saiz-Jimenez and JA Gonzalez-Perez.

home_enIn addition, the company Chroma Leont has awarded the quality of this work with an invitation to José María de la Rosa to participate in the “40th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography” which will take place in Riva-del-Garda (Italy) in May 2016.

This work was carried out by a collaboration of researchers from two groups of IRNAS-CSIC “Organic Matter in Soils and Sediments” and “Environmental Microbiology and Cultural Heritage”, with the Department of Biology and Geology of the University of Almeria and the group CERENA of the Technical Institute of the University of Lisbon.Durante el congreso XVI Latin-American Congress on Chromatography celebrado en Lisboa entre el 5 y el 9 de Enero de 2016, el trabajo titulado Analytical pyrolysis (PY-GC/MS) and PY compounds specific isotopic analysis (PY-CSIA) as proxy for the characterization of coralloid speleothems from lava tubes realizado por los investigadores José María De la Rosa, Ana Z. Miller, Nicasio T. Jiménez-Morillo, J.A. Calaforra, Manel F.C. Pereira, Cesáreo Saiz-Jiménez y José Antonio González-Pérez ha sido galardonado el comité científico de dicho congreso con el premio a la mejor contribución científica.

Ademhome_enás, la empresa Chroma Leont ha premiado la calidad de este trabajo con una invitación a J.M de la Rosa para participar en el 40th “International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography” que tendrá lugar en Riva-del-Garda (Italia) en Mayo de 2016.

Este trabajo ha sido realizado mediante una colaboración de investigadores de los grupos del IRNAS “Materia Orgánica en Suelos y Sedimentos” y “Microbiología ambiental y patrimonio cultural” con el departamento de Biología y Geología de la Universidad de Almería y el grupo CERENA del Instituto Superior Técnico de la Universidad de Lisboa.

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